Buyer's Guide: Top 10 Best Gear For a Backpacking Beginner

Buyer's Guide: Top 10 Best Gear For a Backpacking Beginner


The first time I walked into an REI, I wore hiking pants and boots. I wasn’t going hiking anywhere, but I was afraid that just one look from other customers would indicate I had no idea what I was doing when it came to outdoor recreation. So I “dressed the part.” Now I’ve hiked hundreds of miles in all seasons, but I still remember what it was like to be a backpacking newbie.
My point? Starting a new hobby can be intimidating, but we all start somewhere. There’s no shame in doing the research and asking all the questions you can possibly come up with.
Let’s start with the absolute basics. We’ve all seen Instagram hashtags like #backpacker or #backpacking, but just what does this activity entail?
Backpacking is an outdoor activity where you carry everything you need on your back. It can refer to a method of traveling abroad where you carry your toiletries and clothes in one bag on your back, but for our purposes, we will focus on the kind of backpacking you do while hiking in the wilderness.
Whether you’re going on a single overnight or a multi-day trek, there are essential items you should absolutely have with you. If you peruse the shelves in your local REI or camping goods store, the amount of gear available can be quite overwhelming. Have no fear though, we’re going to discuss the essential items you need for your first backpacking trip.
Below each section, there are a few examples of the different types of adventure gear available online. I’ve included Amazon links that you can check out. As an Amazon Associate, I may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases. If you’re not ok with that, feel free to search on Amazon or Google for the brands listed below. Click here  best sleeping bag
